What were you thinking when you created that piece of art?


Most of my work is abstract.  I am often asked, "What were you thinking when you were painting that piece"  The truth of the matter is, I may not have been thinking anything or had anything in particular in mind, - just painting and going with the flow and enjoyment of creating and playing in paint.  I think that abstract art is more interesting than any other form of art and more personable.  Why?  When one observes a painting of a person, landscape, structure, etc.  they can clearly see it for what it is, granted, the piece may be very exact and display incredible talent, depending on the artist; However, does it evoke an emotion or speak to the viewer, and is there any mystery or  does it have individual meaning???  With abstract art, one can make it their own, by attributing meaning based on what they visualize;  this makes the painting personal.  The piece may have a title, which is based on the artist's interpretation of the completed piece, but the future owner can have something completely different in mind depending how the painting affects or speaks to them.


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Noric Wellness Center and Fine Art
3400 Fairway Drive
La Mesa, Ca 91941
619 508-4741

 Norma Brinker • La Mesa, CA619 508-4741
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