Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom


Bright and happy these Sakura flowers will bring a cheerful ambiance!
Medium: Watercolor on 300 gsm paper.
Size: A4 (11.75 x 8.25 inches)

Have penned a poem about this painting. Hope you like it :)

Poem: Sakura

Oh Sakura thy beauty unmatched,
rosy pink petals swaying unattached.
Soft n fluffy cushions of love,
shining in the sun reflecting the glow!

Spring is here and happiness galore
Dreams of carefree days in minds adore.

your sweet fragrance permeating the air,
carpet of pink petals like snowy lair.
A promise of laughter and fun in
the coming days,
A vision of endless summer holidays!

Oh Sakura thy beauty unmatched,
rosy pink petals swaying unattached.

Poet: Manjiri

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