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-- Abstract Painting, 3/17/12

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-- Abstract Painting, 3/15/12

It is a well executed post. I like the diagram most. It is a helpful informative post
-- Abstract Painting, 3/9/12

James Lasenbythe world is so fucked up every one scraping for a foot hold on land well the rightious will prevvvail just don't forget who your friends are
-- James Lasenby, 3/11/11

James LasenbyI believe you have a gift from god and in time you will share, I would like to experience this journy with you please, James Lasenby.
-- James Lasenby, 3/11/11

James LasenbyI believe you have a gift from god and in time you will share, I would like to experience this journy with you please, James Lasenby.
-- James Lasenby, 3/11/11

Felice Cipriani abstract art cecipriani@yahoo.com.au 

 Felice CiprianiPoint Vernon, QL, Australia0417 088773 Peter