It’s been said that “your health is your wealth” I agree; if you don’t have your health, all the wealth in the world or that you may possess, is not going to do a bit of good if you can’t enjoy it due to poor health. Even the rich and famous kick the bucket. We all have that appointed due date; but why not live healthy while we live. A couple of things I do religiously is consume herbs and spices that are known to combat sickness and diseases caused by free radicals, bacteria, and poor lifestyles in general and the practice of qigong (gotta check the spelling on that) . Tumeric is an excellent remedy for combating inflammation; it has been a tried and true spice for helping me to maintain homeostasis; with that, spiralina for anti toxins and viral infections, multivitamins for supplementation, clove for its stimulating properties, antibacterial infections, antiseptic and antioxidants; and peppermint as a decongestant as well as having anti inflammatory properties. And of course mushrooms, mainly Reishi for overall health and youthfulness. People don’t want unsolicited advice and I’m not giving it, just sharing how I maintain. Keeping it simple with tried and true remedies.