Norma Brinker Fine Art & Craft by NB
and Healing ENERGIES
Norma’s Variety of Spice Blog
Yep! That’s right! It can be the difference between life and the alternative:) of course, we’re all going to kick the bucket eventually; but, I want to live healthy with energy and vitality while I live. So, here’s the thing- Prevention, as in preventive self care and mindfulness; keeping an eye out on your internal environment by checking your pH levels to see if you’re too acidic or alkaline. Being too acidic  causes degenerative disease- usually without symptoms until it’s too late and structural damage has set in; being too alkaline causes inflammation, swelling, pain and distention; in the long term either of the two will cause havoc and diseased states. Having a neutral pH is a sure remedy for fighting off disease causing bacteria/viruses, fungi and parasites. ‘Something to think about, right?’ 
A way to depolarize-polarized conditions in your body, which; is when bacteria and viruses team up to break down the tissues and organs in your body that causes diseases and cancer, is with biomagnetic pair therapy.  Another way is to have a very strict diet and constant monitoring to make sure your levels are balanced so your resistance is strong and able to fight off diseases.
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is offered at Noric Wellness Center; to schedule an appointment, click on schedule now on the website. Information you can use:) Be Well.


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