Mike Premny - Bold colors and uniquely textured paintings that elicit emotion
Mike Premny Mike Premny
Bold colors and uniquely textured paintings that elicit emotion

Water Lilies 9 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas board Embellished prints available

Water Lilies 9 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas board Embellished prints available
Water Lilies 9 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas board Embellished prints available


PreviousSOLD Pvt.  Collection Water Lilies 9 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas board Embellished prints available Next


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Contact Michael to commission a painting or arrange a show in your space. 
415 516.9600 mikep@iconcap.com
"Thank you for visiting my sight.  Please feel free to contact me anytime. 
Own one of my works for your collection... Both original and embellished prints available and shipped anywhere.

I love and welcome your feedback".

 Mike PremnySan Francisco, CA415 516.9600