
Anyone in the Dallas, Tx area is invited to my May 5th art charity show at the Cathedral of Hope/Interfaith Peach Chapel.  Lots of new works, a few light snacks and something to wash it down with.  The show starts at 5pm and is over at 7:30. 


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New Art for BOGO Gallery



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I've just finished a new series of pieces that have stretched my abilities.  With these new creations I've taken what I call "tiles" and stacked them, scattered them and tried to create a sense of being "broken".   I've also completed two different pieces (one in the Paper Series and one in the Black and White Series. 


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I think this is great. I just bought your cooperation and black and white chaos paintings for my office. When I saw the tile work I felt it. Really felt my past; broken spirit, abuse, foster care, no parents, then it was engulfed by order and my life now. Then when I read you didn't have much family, it moved me. I wish you well and thanks for being a maker of art!
-- John Acosta, 5/26/10

Home...Is this really where the heart is?


My home, my existance, my world.  It's all changing and I'm not sure I like the direction it's going.


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Just finished another painting for my Black and White series.  Thought this looked like what the big bang episode might have looked like....hence the name for the painting.  I know that it may look like a flower to some people, but to me it represents more than that.


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Just finished another new piece for my foil collection.  I entitled it THE RUNNER and it's easy to see in person, but like most of my works, it's hard to capture in a photograph.  Stare at it long enough and I think the vision of the person will come through.  Now that this project is completed, it's on to something bigger and better. 

I'm always looking for feedback on my art, so feel free to comment.

Everyone have a good day.............


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I know that telling the world that it's my birthday may sound a bit strange, but today is a milestone for me.....I turn 60.  I never thought in a million years that I'd make it this far in life.  Actually, when I was a youngster, I thought that someone that was 60 was older than dirt.  Well, I'm here to tell you that I may be older than dirt, but in my heart I'm still a youngster.  Art has given me a new appreciation of life and the wonders it holds. 

I have no family and very few close friends, but my life is still good.  In fact, I may start a new series of paintings this week end and dedicate them to "long life". 

Happy birthday to me....Happy birthday to me....Happy birthday to everyone who shares this day with me.


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Jim -- A Smart Man


The following is taken from a blog by my friend and fellow artist, Jim Frederick.  His insight on life inspires me to be the best I can be.

Think of the best possible thing that you could accomplish today, and then ask yourself this. What would be even better?

Instead of lowering your expectations to be more in line with reality, raise those expectations and then improve your reality so it matches them. That's a much better choice and yes, you can most certainly do it.

Realize that the best is yet to come. Then get busy and make it happen.

What has happened before may be interesting and useful to know about. Yet all of that is in the past, and right now the world is filled with brand new possibilities

The quality of your life right now depends on how you life it right now.  What
will you choose to do with such a magnificent opportunity?

Thank you Jim for everything that you have taught me.



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A friend of mine got creative on the computer and made this composite photo of me.  For some reason it struck a cord because I think it shows the child within all of us who are artists.  For me, it's important to always remember the part of me that has the curiosity and inquisitiveness to venture out into uncharted artistic territory. 


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I've just finished more box paintings and thought that a college of the works might be interesting to look at.  To see the individual paintings, go to my website.

These have been both fun and labor intensive, but I've enjoyed every moment of their creation.



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