Broken Links Project

Addicted to love
Please see Galleries for a full selection of show photos for Broken links.


PHOTOS BY Rodrigo Hernández,

The many faces of woman in a disconnected world

Women… stuck in negative and self-destructive behaviours, embedded in ways of relating to others, isolated, desperate and bitter… still believing we will be “saved” by the romantic dream or something outside of ourselves…

Yet we are all connected, so utterly and constantly connected through the latest gadgetry… so connected that we don’t actually talk to each other face to face any more…

 And so we are…

Irreproachable victim

Obsessive compulsive

Perfect carer

Man hater

Smugly independent

Self-made female in a male world

 We are many faces and façades of woman… but more often than not we hide behind these faces and point the blame at “the other” for what happens to us…

BROKEN LINKS is a satirical and provocative show created and performed by Sally Elsbury of Mask Matters (based in Ireland) and Penelope Glass of Colectivo Sustento (based in Santiago, Chile). Using an array of archetypal masks, these two actors present the audience with a myriad of insights into the female condition in a disconnected and dehumanized world.

The show is accessible to a wide range of audiences, such as: high schools, prisons, women’s groups, women’s refuges, general community, etc... It can also run in tandem with a post or pre show mask or issues-based/forum theatre workshop. The show only requires a performance space with general lighting and access to a CD player.


 Sally Elsbury – Mask Matters

Trained as  Secondary Drama School teacher in England, and with Trading Faces Mask Co. UK,  Sally is a mask theatre specialist working in Community Theatre in the UK and Ireland, where she currently lives with her family. Her handmade caricature archetypal masks are focal to her physical theatre work. Sally has over fifteen years of work experience in Theatre in Education, and her personal interest in Expressive Dance also informs her work.

Penelope Glass – Colectivo Sustento

Penelope has worked for more than 30 years in community theatre, both in Australia, her country of origin, and in Chile. Penelope is an actor as well as a project and workshop director. For 12 years she was Co-director of Teatro Pasmi, a multicultural community theatre company based in Santiago-Chile, where she has worked since 1998. Penelope is now working with Colectivo Sustento with specific and marginalised communities, currently running long term projects with male prisoners and young people with psychiatric difficulties. Colectivo Sustento performs their own shows to communities in the periphery of Santiago, in schools and prisons; transforming spaces and provoking reflection, and most recently focusing on the issue of gender violence.
They are also working in gardening and creating sustainable  Community living.

The actresses
The heart is dangerous, doctor..
obsessive compulsive romantic

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Mask Matters. Caricature full and half face theatre masks for sale. Workshops. 

Handmade Archetypal Caricature Theatre Full Face and Half Masks for sale. Physical & Mask theatre workshops. Mask construction and design. Performance. Private and Shamanic mask Commissions.

 maskmattersCounty Cork, Ireland00353 830404944