Happy Thanksgiving


Well I passed my heart stress test with no new damage. Yeah!  So to celebrate on Wednesday November 27th, the sun is shining and the temp is 33 degrees, so I am painting at Dillon Falls Meadows with Kathleen.  I have three days to complete my show at One Street Down Come see the Art.  Have a blessed Thnksgiving.


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A Quick review of Color


A Quick reference chart to find the Complement, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Colors. The next time you want to darken a color, try mixing in a complement! This will help with color harmony


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I just finished an excellent article written by Jack White


Jack's article spoke of the sameness found in Plein Air and Art Shows.  He spoke of his feelings of boredom and ended his article with the Five benchmarks to break the sameness shambles and boredom currently found at these shows
Jack's  5 Benchmarks:
1. Cool colors recede; warms come forward. 
2. You cannot have light without dark. 
3. Soft edges fall back; hard edges jump forward. 
4. The sky provides light; upright objects are the darkest. 
5. Make one statement; don’t try to write a book.
 Then he leaves you with this challenge
 " Discover what light can do for your work. Take the dare to shed sameness and climb to the top of the heap. What do you have to lose by trying? You have much to gain. When you are successfully able to work light into your originals you will stand out for exceptional achievement. Believe me, if I can learn then anyone can."
This is good advice for artists who work to have their work stand above the norm.
Please let me know what you think 


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