In the Car, IL14
In the Car, IL14

Other Side of the Tunnel, IL15
Other Side of the Tunnel, IL15

Cool Light of Dusk, IL16
Cool Light of Dusk, IL16

Wild Icelandic Sky, IL17
Wild Icelandic Sky, IL17

Thickening Light of Late Afternoon, IL18
Thickening Light of Late Afternoon, IL18

Forgotten Pond, IL19
Forgotten Pond, IL19

Superstitions Hike
Superstitions Hike

Desert Mountains
Desert Mountains

Layers of Ages
Layers of Ages

Midday Snooze
Midday Snooze

Iceland Blue, IL20
Iceland Blue, IL20

Without a Care
Without a Care

Distant Hay Bales
Distant Hay Bales

Red Bridge
Red Bridge

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