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Alliterated verses and watercolor paintings for each letter of the alphabet.

Albigail Aligator
Albigail Aligator

Boris Bobcat
Boris Bobcat

Carla Camel
Carla Camel

Daphne Dolphin
Daphne Dolphin

Elvira Elephant
Elvira Elephant

Floyd Flamingo
Floyd Flamingo

Gracie Goldfish
Gracie Goldfish

Holly Hippo
Holly Hippo

Igor Iguana
Igor Iguana

Jacob Jellyfish
Jacob Jellyfish

Kaya Kangaroo
Kaya Kangaroo

Larry Lion
Larry Lion

Mollie Moose
Mollie Moose

Nellie Nightengale
Nellie Nightengale

Olivia Octopus
Olivia Octopus

Peter Panda
Peter Panda

Quentin Quail
Quentin Quail

Rufus Rhino
Rufus Rhino

Sally Snake
Sally Snake

Tommy Toad
Tommy Toad

Usher Urial
Usher Urial

Victor Vulture
Victor Vulture

Wanda Walrus
Wanda Walrus

Xena Xantus
Xena Xantus

Yolanda Yak
Yolanda Yak

Zach Zebra
Zach Zebra

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