Quite the talent!
-- Kent Leithold, 3/1/15

Hey... who is that Old Fugger on the Cool Bike???
-- Mike Sayer, 3/1/15

You ARE amazing Rich :) This has has always been one of my fav's ;)
-- Jan Sayer, 3/1/15

You are Amazing,Rich!
-- Jill Schweickert Downie, 3/1/15

You do capture the inner person.... Awsome.
-- Jayne Evans Furman, 3/1/15

Awesome Rich! Some I have not seen before.
-- Linda Ridd Herzog Art, 3/1/15

Beautiful work Rich!
-- Dave Mazzorana, 3/1/15

Original oil paintings, metal prints, commissions and tutorials by California artist Richard Stergulz.

 Stergulz Fine ArtFallbrook, CA951-526-8055