The other day an artist friend of mine, after reading the New York Times columnist, Maureen Dowd's musings on how ironic it is that our former Vice President, Dick Cheney's Achilles' Heel, is his heart.

She was marveling at his remarkable resiliency in the face of years of heart problems, and was wondering just what it might look like inside the man considered by some as the Apex of Evil.

Politics aside, I leapt into the breech, uncapped my acrylics, and this came out. A dark, dark storm filled canvas with lightning flashing all around and there in the center, a bruised and battered heart with flaming coal-fired stacks belching smoke. Below, a patchwork of repaired panels, some rivited, some sewn, some leaking hot gases and sparks. Supplementary power comes from a nuclear plant in the background, producing so powerful a charge that the insulators heat to yellow and at the connection, arcs in a burst of sparks.

Other details show various oils dripping from the heart onto a barren landscape, while a pipe drains into a nearby stream, gushing a glowing green substance.

Painted on all panels of a gallery wrap 8 by 8 inch canvas, and glossed with several coats of varnish to protect a portrait of a truly remarkable heart.

I hope no one is insulted by this. Particularly Dick. I don't want to be on his bad side.



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 Vern Scharf • Santa Cruz, CA
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