From my first work in Italy, I have been moved by expressionistic force of dark moods and a darker palette. I have not lost that fascination. In America I learned to walk barefoot on tall grass, to feel the fur of wild beasts, to stride naked without shame. The complexity of this new experience also became my art. I worked in several different media throughout my career, water color, acrylic and tempera, I have cast in bronze. Oil and Acrylic painting have remained my first and lasting love, from the style that comes natural to me, figures emerge from the depths of pigment, where they can be painted at will. My paintings are available for exhibitions.


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Domenica, 03.07.2011 Ciao, Annì!! Stasera sono stato con Lucia (che ti saluta...). Mi ha detto che vi eravate sentite qualche giorno fa. Complimenti per il sito!! Stai bene. Un abbraccio. :-))
-- Umberto Sciuto, 7/3/11