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Early spring these beautiful flowering trees can be seen. This 8x8 painting is painted with pastel on paper, prepared with watery pastel and then added marks of Sennelier's sticks onto it.
It's outcome dreams the viewer away through the softness of the watery pastel underground which is shining through the final pastel marks.

You can purchase this original painting by contacting me through my contact form. Otherwise you can buy prints and also a license for this artwork.

About American Dogwood:
Medicinal uses:

It is used for antiperiodic and astringent properties.
It is used for treating malaria.
Use it in form of poultice on wounds and ulcers.
Boil the inner bark and drink tea to lower fevers and restore lost voice.
Bark and root infusion is used for treating childhood diseases such as worms and measles.
Tea or tincture of root bark is used for treating malaria.
It is also used in form of bath.
Boil dogwood bark in water and use the extract to ease sore and painful muscles.

pastel on paper - 8 x 8 - 2020



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BRACHAIM'S ARTWORKS~Paintings, Drawings&Webgraphics ~ © Brachaim
