Hi, I didn't start to paint until after I was out of school.  Call me a 'late bloomer' I guess.  I saw an exhibit of the painter Toulouse-Lautrec & after reading about him, I kind of identified with him.  I'm the runt of my litter.  At the time, I couldn't tell a Van Gogh from a Picasso, so I started to buy books on artist's lives & tried to paint like them .  I love the act of painting, the smell of the paint itself.  My  Inspirations are too numerous to list, but here are a few of my favorities:  Picasso,  Francis Bacon, Julian Schnabel,& my hairless American terrier, Nica.  Ciao!

Work exhibited:  San Diego Museum of Art, Oceanside Museum of Art, Riverside Museum of Art, Escondido Performing Arts Center, Athenaeum Music & Arts Library,  SD Art Institute,  San Diego County Fair, Best of show 2003.
Featured Artist & Work chosen for official SD Art Walk T-shirt, 2004.
Featured in 'Our People,Our Places A San Diego Photo Story' A collection of's best photography  by Sam Hodgson Published 2011.
Painting "Back Rub" featured on cover of SD CityBeat.                                                
. Some paintings available in San Diego at L'Atelier art gallery, 2655 Reynard Way, Mission Hills 92103. (858) 336-6332.)I also from my studio (studio visit) in San Diego, Calif. & online at Saatchi Dan Adams.  


The artist community of laments the passing of Dan Adams. We are keeping this website online as tribute to the memory and life's work of Dan Adams, RIP.