| | Click an image to enlarge This series may take a while. Enjoy. The Fog of Love, or Progress Isn't Linear, or [No] Socks Quartetto (Si Risolve Dipingendo) $2,530
Senza Titolo #7 $217
Poesia Nella Pittura $217
Contare I Modi $217
Eoni $2,107
Lascialo Sanguinare $217
Lucidity $1,757
Move Your Heart/Find Your Note $607
Paradossi $1,711
Myth of Sisyphus (after Camus) $217
Pret-a-Porter Doo Wop/New Wave $659
Transcend $659
Anything But Rom-Coms $37
Avoidance/Attachment $217
Zen Time Machine (1963) Besotted $217
Walk With Me L'Adorazione August 6, 1945 No Socks Needed $37
Continuum $539
Courageous In Love $217
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| Ford P. R. McLain
Primitive Abstract Art
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