Probably my biggest block in becoming a professional artist has been my difficulty with technology. I am so happy to now have my work on the web, a place where I can "paint into".
There is a lot of becoming in "becoming an artist."I don't think it matters whether you have been an artist for years and years or just starting. There is a strong learning curve and tendency to believe you are just starting. For me, I've been painting now for about ten years and I still feel very much like a newbie. I notice that as I actually sit down to paint, I become more clear about what I like and don't. For me, being an artist is very much an organic experience. And most of the time, I like that it is organic. Painting reaches the depths of who I am if I allow it. WhenI do, I am just simply in awe at how some works turn out. The message of the painting including its title come through when I am finished with a piece.
The website experience has challenged me to be more clear about my direction and message. As I view my current body of work, it is speaking to me about where I am and what I want to say. Sometimes, there does not seem to be a message and I am ok with that as well. Sometimes it is just playing and delighting in playing! What a gift to spend time being a painter! /artist.
As you view my work on this site, you will see my creative process...colors, images, and styles up to now (5/17). As I keep painting and posting, you will see "more" of me and my unique style evolve. Feel free to make comments, of what you like and ask questions. Most of the work presented is available for sale as well. And I accept commissions.
My friend Scott Mayer has helped me with the technical side of this website. I am so grateful for his support and encouragement. I am publishing a bi monthly newsletter with current work. You can add your email on the contact section if you would like to receive it.