Into the forest I go (2018)
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”
― John Muir
My greatest love is to be outdoors in nature among the trees and observing wildlife.There is nothing quite like the stillness that it brings...standing with the 'Tree People'. The textures and colours of the peeling bark on the birch trees constantly inspire me, as did the wonderful lady who's tree in my tree circle is the birch tree. She is the 'lady of the woods' facing every challenge with dignity and grace. Thank you Sue for always shining such a bright light. You are like the white bark on the birch tree that that is luminous and glows even on the darkest days of winter. You are a true inspiration.
I have included some of the peeling bark and ferns I collected from my walks into these tree paintings and I've acknowledged the little goldfinch that strove to get my attention in some of them....and not forgetting the Hare steeped in Irish mythology and often associated with the 'Otherworld' and believed to have magical powers and to be treated with caution.

'Silver Maiden' SOLD

'Beith' (new beginnings) SOLD

'White Goddess' (unavailable)

'Lady of the woods'

'Song to the white goddess' SOLD

'Serenading the silver maiden' SOLD

Trickster SOLD

Shapeshifter SOLD

Giorria SOLD

Eostre SOLD

The leaping Hare SOLD

The Messenger SOLD

Hare and the moon SOLD
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