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Large Paintings Large Paintings
Original Acrylic Paintings on Unstretched Canvas 26" x 26"
Paintings are Framed where indicated.

Medium Size Paintings Medium Size Paintings
Original Acrylic Paintings most on 11" x 14" Canvas Board, unless a different size is stated.

Small Paintings Small Paintings
Original Acrylic Paintings Matted 8' x 10"

Cupcake Earrings Cupcake Earrings
Wearable art work for your ears. These earrings are one-of-a-kind, hand-painted designs. They are painted on both sides with acrylic paint. The cupcakes are approximately  one and a half inches tall. Each pair are presented in a gift box.

Feline Fantasy Prints Feline Fantasy Prints
A collection of prints made from my original watercolors.  Matted 8" x 10"

Sculptured Hands Sculptured Hands
From 1985 to 2005, my husband Bill and I created 'Sculptured Hands" fabric sculpture framed in lucite. Their size is approximately 9" x 7" x 4" . All Work Shown Can Be Purchased on our other website .

"Sculptured Hands" Photos "Sculptured Hands" Photos
A collection of photographs made from our Sculptured Hands fabric sculpture. All photographs are matted 8" x 10".

Found Object Sculptures Found Object Sculptures
From time to time since 1983, my husband Bill and I would create sculptures from objects we found around our neighborhood or in our home.

Judaica Judaica
A collection of prints celebrating Jewish traditions, culture, and foods for adults and children.   All prints are matted 8" x  10".  Also, original acrylic paintings 11" x 14" painted on canvas board.