
SpiritThe TravelerSuccubiShamanAngelGrandmother SleepingA Bluebird's KissThe Lifegiver/Woman DreamingFemme Masquée Half and HalfNext


24" x 30", Oil on canvas. "Spirit" was awarded "Juror's Choice" at the Museum of the Living Artist Regional Show in July 2010 and was sold before the opening reception.

In "Spirit," nascent consciousness grows out of the restricting physical form. The eyes are closed, signifying that the process of individuation is incomplete.


2 comments | Post comment

Anthony Daniel Lusignanlove this. I hang this on my wall.
-- Anthony Daniel Lusignan, 11/29/10

wow, se penso al mio spirito che vola lo immagino così, esattamente. quando tecnica e fantasia si uniscono, questo è il risultato. splendido
-- Maurizio, 10/6/10