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26 comments | Read all

Oh Julie! All gorgeous!!! You are very talented. Xoxo
-- Tara, 11/25/17

An inspired use of vibrant colour throughout. The Landscapes and Archetypes particularly transport me to vistas unseen but often imagined and yearned for.
-- Tommy Kochel, 7/31/13

This new work is quite extraordinary. Really exciting and fresh, at first it looks like just a splash of color, then you realize there are shapes and people within the color. Great work!
-- A Friend, 1/22/12

Love the new set up - Keep painting.
-- Marie Brennan, 12/31/11

Wow! I love your latest work! Great direction for you.
-- Mdbrennan, 11/22/11

Excellent painting Jules keep it up I like It a Lot miss you on skype though
-- Shane Rittman, 4/14/11

Love this work. It takes warmth and darkness in the human spirit and places it all in a stare out into the world. Powerful
-- Pavel, 1/2/11

Elena Bond Dear colerful BRENNAN!! Primitive Abstracts," are experts to enhance all aspects of your life: romance, health, wealth, family, knowledge, and Art.
-- Elena Bond , 12/7/10

Anthony Daniel Lusignanbeautiful work. especially enjoyed the "spirited images" gallery.
-- Anthony Daniel Lusignan, 11/29/10

James LasenbyBeautiful work, an outstanding collection!!
-- James Lasenby, 11/27/10

è sempre un piacere fare un giro attrverso le tue opere.
-- Maurizio, 11/22/10

Wow! I really love the new face - very intense, yet beautiful.
-- M Dancy Brennan, 11/13/10

Marnelle NorthThank you for your comments. I always welcome feedback. I enjoyed your site, especially the Primitive Abstracts. Beautiful use of color and design!
-- Marnelle North, 11/4/10

sempre emozionante, ogni volta che io li guardo. il tuo amico Maurizio
-- Maurizio, 10/29/10

The comments about the primitive abstracts are brilliant. The descriptions give meaning and depth to the art work.
-- M. Dancy Brennan, 10/23/10

Your art is very moving. I love how you can create work that has the viewer able to react differently to the various images. JUlie, you take after your mom, Marie. Very talented.
-- Valerie, 10/10/10

Manifique! Les colors sont incroyable!
-- Jeanine Leborgne, 10/8/10

Hi Julie, your paintings are wonderful. Love the use of warm colors...brings out a fire in them.
-- Pavel, 10/8/10

Great work! Very enchanting.
-- Cyndi Clarke, 10/7/10

Great work. I am so proud of you.
-- Rosan M. Kanas, 10/7/10