Recent Work

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I am always excited to share my most recent work with visitors to my website.  This gallery is my way of highlighting my most recent works, and offering an invitation to see more of my paintings.

My Lucky Penny
My Lucky Penny

Farm Fresh
Farm Fresh

Miss Kitty
Miss Kitty

Temptation Won
Temptation Won

Dog Tired
Dog Tired

Pogo's Place
Pogo's Place

Lunch at Fig Tree Cafe
Lunch at Fig Tree Cafe

Peace on the Hook
Peace on the Hook

I Saw A Mouse
I Saw A Mouse

Front Door
Front Door

Cannery Row Taxi
Cannery Row Taxi

Morning Dew
Morning Dew

One Way
One Way

The Color of Sunshine
The Color of Sunshine

Yellow Daffodils and Lemons
Yellow Daffodils and Lemons

Yellow Rose
Yellow Rose

2 comments | Post comment

Karen HowardThank you, Ruth. I'm so happy to hear that you liked the show.
-- Karen Howard, 9/24/12

Karen....just saw your work yesterday with my fiancee....your work is amazing! Not in a position to buy, but just had to express how much we enjoyed your work & thank you for the experience. Wish you many blessings and abundance for your work. Ruth
-- Ruth Murray, 9/23/12