Ziegenhagen: Avid Photographer
retiring in 1999 from my 32 year teaching career with the Redmond school
district, I had time to pursue my interest in creating pictures. The introduction of the digital camera, allowed
me to become more involved with interest in photography.
I continued
my photography training by taking classes at Central Oregon Community
College. Additionally, I took on-line
classes tutorials. I furthered my education
through books and by joining the local photography groups. Four years
ago I finally took on the challenge of exhibiting and selling my photos at the
Redmond and Sister Libraries, and the BBR Art at the Ranch Labor Day
Shows. In 2010, one of my bottle photos
was selected by the National AAUW to be printed and sold as part of a
stationery-set fundraising project. In 2013 and 2014, several of my photos were
selected for juried shows at the Redmond Library and the Sisters Fair and Art
Show sponsored by Sisters Episcopal Church.
One of my photos, in the fall of 2013, was selected to be printed in
Klamath Falls Winter Wings Festival Calendar.
In January 2014, I was honored with an invitation to be one of the
featured photographers at Redmond Library’s
Spring Photography Exhibit. In September 2015, I will have a Solo Exhibit at the
Redmond Library.