
So many reasons to be thankful.



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I'm thankful.......


For all the marvelous things things that God has done for me, I am thankful. Like a peacock that spreads his beautiful feathers, and the colors are so wide spread and seen, I'm thankful. For every trial, both passed and failed, Lord I'm thankful. I woke up this morning because He called my name. He has allowed me to see yet another day that was granted by faith, for that I AM THANKFUL! Have you told Him Thank you?


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A new look.......


Spring is here!!!!! Time to start afresh. New styles are emerging everywhere. I have found a great love for the color orange this spring. It's strong, vibrant, and stands out among the rest. Looks great against the skin........


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Reaching out.....


The door has been opened for Orenfiquedesigns to reach area youth in both art, and jewelry designing. This is a great chance to teach, create, and educate in the area of creative art. There are no limits to what a child can pull out of his head, and call art. Thanks to all my networking artist friends, but mostly....God ,I thank you for the gift you have given me!


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It's a new Day.....


Closing old chapters, opening new ones. A dramatic new turn has come my way in the world of creativity. God has allowed so many new things to come my way, and He has opened many doors. Only the devil and the people he uses are mad.



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What Next???????


Nov 12,2011 my soul mate took his final breathe, and gave up the battle to a massive heart attack. No one saw it coming. He was my greatest  supporter, in my art, and in my jewelry designing. This site is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Barry J. Stephens. (love always, your Connie).


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Whats in a veiw?


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What we as artist see, and how we veiw things, is totaly different from those around us. It's a gift from God above. Taking those inner thoughts and giving them life through man can ever take that from us. So....what do you see?


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When the Creator Calls.........


Zomba Bracelet.
Exploring whats hidden, knowing who you are. The greatest image came to my mind,and I thought wow! When I began to make what I saw, I remembered that the creator had called me,and gifted me to do this.


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 Connie StephensShreveport, LA318.200.2564