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S u s a n B a i n b r i d g e
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Your work is wonderful!
-- Bob Thames, 2/18/14
Saw Hope at the Del Mar Fair. Very nice. Made me think of some of Martin Mulls works I had seen a number of years ago in LV. Very nice and looking forward to see future pieces. Ben
-- Ben, 7/4/12
Gorgeous work Susan!!
-- Sally W. Quenette, 3/22/12
Susan...Hey...We are trying to locate classmates for our 40th reunion in August....We would like to send you some information about that weekend...Please send me your email address so that we can add you to the list...Thanks so much....Peggy
-- Peggy Fowler Thornton, 5/2/11
How come there are no paintings of your exceedingly handsome husband?
-- Butch Spike, 4/25/11
Beautiful, I love the use of color in the cats and dogs paintings.
-- Helen Roowalla, 11/10/10
Susan: I thought I would try to find you and am so happy I did. Your art work is amazing. Send me an email and lets try to connect the next time I am in San Diego. Mary (shaw) Davis
-- Mary Davis, 11/5/10
"After the Fires" is amazing.
-- Frank Walker, 8/6/10
Hi Susan I love your landscapes! Particulary, Ee and Fred. My mother, Cornelia Burnley, was your fathers cousin. (I think I have the right) so I remember Fred and Ewine!
-- Julia Schneider, 5/21/10
Absolutely beautiful work-you are an excellent draughtsman-I love the way you use color- Much LOVE TO YOU! Affectionately, Mme. Fatima
-- Suzanne Collins Moncuse, 4/4/10
Incredible art work !!! I have 3 Golden Retrievers and from time to time I search the web for artists to do a portrait. I admire your work the best, It's very unique. Susan where you ever a teacher in the Santa Barbara area mid to late 70's ??? I had a teacher with your same name Cheers Jeff
Susan Bainbridge
, 2/17/10
Beautiful work and such a wide range of subject,enjoyed your site very much indeed! I'm glad to have joined up.
-- James Lasenby, 2/14/10
Beautiful Artwork!...MD
-- Mark Dye , 11/2/09
Ha, ha, what a face!
Burnley Hayes
, 10/28/09
Have enjoyed looking over your site. Am looking to experienced teachers for ideas and insights. After a 30 year career in Hair Salons, I'm now turning back to my original passion of and training in visual arts and teaching art to children - adults. If you've ever a spare moment, email me through my site I'd love to chat with you. All the best to you!
-- Lisa Jo Keith, 9/26/09
So nice to meet you at the tie dye party yesterday. I sent your www to Danielle at OMA today. I can't wait to take my dyed tea towel and old sweatshirt to school tomorrow to show the staff.
-- Karen Coulthard, 8/24/09
Who knew? Was this some big secret when we were at SAPC or did you only later learn that you had this remarkable gift. I am buying alot of Nate Heter's work. I have my old standbys that I have collected for years, but he is new and different. i like your work equally as well and would love to talk about a piece or two if you are in the mood to part with them.
-- Sherry Honeycutt Stolp, 3/7/09
was just looking thru the skype contacts & came upon yours, & saw your guest book The picture was excellent
-- Frederick F. Farnum, 9/29/08
I love ms. susan's art!!!!!!!!! I was in her art class for 5 years straight!!! Please tell me when i can work for you i'm soooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Alexa, 7/29/08
ilove aunt susan, and i love her work! (my aunt) please send me events of stuff to happen
-- Kristina Winder, 7/2/08
Susan Bainbridge
San Diego
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