Tree of life
Tree of life

oil painting, size 1 meter x 1.50 meter


We wrote the year 1974 when I created this painting during my study years at the Art Academy in Cologne/Germany.
I always loved trees, especially in their gristly entrenchment of branches and roots.
They seemingly live always, though superficial seen, they look like dead sometimes. This Tree I painted is such a tree going through the process of rebirth seasonal contingent.
My parents loved this work and it was that I gave it to them to honor they efforts towards me and always supported me in my artistic ambitions.
It was hanging at a  place in the living room of my parent's home, where it could not been overlooked and  so welcoming each visitor to the house.


Rev 22:14  “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city.

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this one I did when I was at the Art Academy in Cologne and it has its own place in the living room of my parents house. Happy you like my tree as I see it ! thank you ! =D
-- Brachaim, 5/31/14

BRACHAIM'S ARTWORKS~Paintings, Drawings&Webgraphics ~ © Brachaim
