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Abstract Drawings
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Paintings on board
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My Studio "The Door"
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Acrylic Experiments
New Acrylic 2011-12
Alice Springs
2013 Acrylic Paintings ...
Recent works 2014
Drawings from the exhibition ... The Confessional Box..
Rock Sculptures Wisemans Ferry
Felice Cipriani Abstract Paintings & Drawings
To Paint is to Breathe
Abstract Drawings
Spiritual Drawings
Paintings on Canvas
Paintings on board
NEW Stuff BAD photos
Odds n Sods
New Drawings
Retro Photos
My Studio "The Door"
My Studio
Newer Stuff Bad Photos
Acrylic Experiments
New Acrylic 2011-12
Alice Springs
2013 Acrylic Paintings ...
Recent works 2014
Drawings from the exhibition ... The Confessional Box..
Rock Sculptures Wisemans Ferry
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Ho scritto il tuo tuo nome su google e sei apparso... Come cavolo stai, manda un segnaleeee!!! Ho visto tutti i quadri e sono bellissimi. Se ti interessa potrei metterti in contatto con una mia amica a Sydney, compagna di Sandro Trozzi di Pescocostanzo che ti conosce, che si occupa molto di arte. Fammi sapere, la mail ce l'hai.
-- Andrea Ciampaglia, 9/18/21
-- Rowena Fairbrother , 8/23/20
Hi Felice I recieved your parcel last week.. the painting so much. We have had it stretched and it sits in a lovely spot in the back room and catches the morning sun... we look at it everyday and everyone who has seen it is blown away.... ............ Lots Of Love Wendy.
-- Wendy Brown, 5/25/19
like to be in thouch
-- Haroun Sherzad, 6/7/17
Felice my dear freind I am hoping to make contact with you to share more of what we created in Alice Springs app 2 years ago. Big Green Luv Tone
-- Tone. Farout, 9/5/14
Hi Felice, I like your paintings! Hope to catch up one day. From your brothers Frank and Lou
-- Frank And Lou, 6/26/13
Hi Felice, Thanks for your compliment on my site. Your Art is courageous and glorious.
-- Artist, 4/6/13
merci de peindre felice, c'est magique!!! j'aimerai juste voir ça de plus prêt. je te reconnais, tu n'as pas tant changé et tes peintures sont justes magnifiques!!! ou est le christ que tu avais dessiné pour moi? ..encore felice!!!! om
-- Géraldine Sorin, 10/31/12
Thanks for the positive comment. I was checking out your stuff and I really like a large majority of it. You certainly present alot of content on your site. Are you doing exclusively art at the moment? The tension between the detail and the "obscurity of seemingly random color fields" in the work that is on your home page and the 'paintings on board' is very intriguing. The size of your work is also impressive. Though, I feel most drawn to the abstract drawings that you have posted. They remind me of the work that Man Ray did on photosensitive paper, had they been taken to a higher level of complexity that explored human creativity from a more subjective rather than objective perspective. I have a weird love for Australia. Not sure why. Maybe its the podcast 'Mysterious Universe!'
-- Carey Glenn Smith, 8/17/12
Enjoy your abstract brightly colored acrylic paintings!
-- Tristina Dietz-Elmes, 8/15/12
We went to the same high school! Love your drawings ;-)
Jinari Lee Mountain
, 5/14/12
I wanted to say thanks for the comment on my site. Your drawings in particular, I found incredibly mesmerizing.
-- Melissa Garrison, 1/23/12
-- Matt Ewsky, 8/7/11
ciao felice sono giovanna .country ,rivisondoli. Per situazioni incredibili ed anche un po' folli ho rilevato il gran caffè di rivisondoli cioè il bar dei tuoi cugini quello che stà in piazza ,sul camino ho appeso la donna senza braccia che hai dipinto al country. mi piacerebbe però fare una mostra con i tuoi quadri come posso fare ?
-- Giovanna Ciampaglia, 5/7/11
Your paintings and drawings struck a chord within me. I'm so impressed.
-- Barbara Dubovsky, 5/3/11
what are the chances of coming and learning from you realistictly
-- James Lasenby, 3/11/11
what are the chances of coming and learning from you realistictly
-- James Lasenby, 3/11/11
Hi- a friend just sent me the link to your site. I'm not responding to most of the paintings, but the drawings are amazing. I would love if you would write more about the content, the work is quite compelling. I am glad you are at a better place in your life-keep going, there is sure hope. Here's my site in case you want to look:
-- Mary Nees, 7/11/10
I am glad you looked at my paintings, it gave me opportunity to check out yours. Your paintings are very powerful, and I think it also got that sadness in it as mine does. Good luck.
-- Mher Khachatryan, 5/30/10
Great Work! The way you handle paint is beautiful, chaotic and controlled all at once.
-- Michael A. Walker, 5/27/10
Felice Cipriani abstract art
Felice Cipriani
Point Vernon
0417 088773 Peter
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