W E L C O M E   TO 
J E N N I F E R    S T A R R    A R T


R E V E A L I N G   T H E    M A G I C   I N   E V E R Y D A Y   L I F E

"The world offers a wealth of incredible and often over-looked gifts,
which I love to capture with the camera and brush, highlighting the
inherent beauty surrounding us in every moment.

In my art, I aspire to reveal the extraordinary in the ordinary,
inviting pause to notice, see with new eyes, and be touched
and delighted whenever possible." 

Spring is coming, if a bit late!

Take some time to see that flowers really are blooming. 
Spring will be here soon. . . and you know . . . Summer isn't far behind.

See that the colors are returning to Central Oregon!

Check out Jennifer's Landscape gallery
to see some of her Small Image paintings.


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 jenniferstarrSisters, OR206-852-5285

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