W H Y W A T E R C O L O R ?
I find watercolor so beautiful and
challenging because of its transparency and vibrancy of color, and the
interaction between water and pigment, so quick, fluid and spontaneous, producing
often-unexpected results and happy accidents (and some horrific disasters,
which you will hopefully never see)!
Over the years I’ve painted a bit here and there in oil,
acrylic and pastel, and I still find watercolor the most difficult and
challenging to me, which is part of the draw.
I so admire what artists have achieved through this medium that
sometimes seem to defy natural laws.
It’s truly like magic!
I use only “artist quality” watercolor pigments, like Daniel
Smith, Holbein, Winsor Newton. I use
fine watercolor papers, like Arches and Fabriano 140 or 300 lb. I’ve been experimenting with Yupo paper,
which is a synthetic, 100% recyclable, waterproof (ironically), tree-free
paper that is strong and durable. I’ve
also experimented with painting on or collaging with Japanese rice in my
watercolors (see under Collage and Multi-Media).
I enjoy using watercolor in different ways. Besides direct painting, I simply love
watercolor pours and working on Yupo paper, both described under TECHNIQUES.
Photo taken by Adriano Castroni