Finn Art Camano
Artist directory :: Finn Art CamanoThis little sculpture is of Italian marble. It is pin and sleeve mounted on a piece of wood which has been given multiple coats of wax. Part of this sculpture has been left with the natural part of the stone. An internal fracture along the edge has remained. The overall height is about 9 1/2 inches tall.
Sculptures available
Following retirement in 2005 meant a move from Pasadena, CA. for Nairy, my wife, and Thumper, our Maine Coon cat, and me, to Camano Island and time to enjoy painting acrylic miniatures and working with small stone sculptures using hand tools.
In July, 2015, Thumper went to kitty heaven. She was 19 1/2 years of age.
I want people to have a positive experience when they see my art. When they look at my paintings, I hope they smile or perhaps even laugh. Jack Gunter has said: “Jerry Finn has a quirky style”.
I am a member of North West Stone Sculptors Association and the Camano Arts Association .
My art is represented by Karla Matzke at the Matzke Fine Art and Sculpture Park , 2345 Blanche Way, Camano Island, WA 98282. phone: 360.387.2759...
 | | Contact me to make one, or more of these little gems yours. |
 | | These paintings are now being enjoyed by new owners. |
 | | This area contains images of my art in different stages of completion. |
 | | 24 items |
"Playing with Hot & Cold" May 6 - June 19, 2011May 6th through June 19th Some little thoughts
I like little paintings. I also like ice cream... not necessarily in little dishes.
My art has no trans-fat, cholesterol, or mono-sodium glutamate.
Cows as pets
If you decide to get a cow for a pet,there are a few important things to remember. While games with your pet are fun, forget about a friendly game of "fetch". Cows do NOT fetch! You throw a stick...
Spring Art Show 2010
Stanwood Camano Arts Guild will host the 2010 Spring Art Show on the first weekend of June. The Friday evening Patron's Party is a great event for meeting old friends and making new ones while viewing our members latest creations.
Art in Public Places
I am sooo excited! I have a new gig! NO I'M NOT GOING TO BE A GREETER AT WALMART! ... not that there is anything wrong with that.