The writer, Henry Miller once said,  "The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."

I have been photographing things that I see during beach walks.  If you look closely at the crumbling, sandstone cliffs backing up to the beach, you can find small marine critters and little rocks wedged into crevices.  I've given a few photographs names that make me think, not of rocks, but of that Henry Miller quote.  They evoke quietude and contemplation.  Here are two examples.    

The Secret Sharer
Things Known and Things Unknown
On a recent trip to Mission San Juan Capistrano - built in the late 1700's by indigenous Native Americans converted to Catholicism by Spanish missionaries and restored many times over the centuries - you are reminded of the layers of history and the passage of time embedded there.  The textures of the brick and stucco walls of the mission buildings, the riotous color of the flowers in the garden and the deep blue of the lily ponds are incredibly beautiful .  Here are two examples

Mission San Juan Capistrano
Lily Pond
Visit my upcoming exhibitions at the La Jolla Art Association (June and July), Gallery 21 in Spanish Village (July) and Mission Trails Regional Park (September and October).

La Jolla Art Association:  6811 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla, from June 4 though July.  Monday - Friday 9 -5 pm.  858-459-0831.  Reception on June 4th from 4 - 6 pm 

Gallery 21, Spanish Village, Balboa Park, 1770 Village Place, San Diego.  July 5 - July 18, Monday - Sunday 11- 4 pm.   Reception on July 9 from 1 - 4 pm


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