Janel Motichka Hernandez is an artist, educator, healer and yoga instructor. She grew up in the Pocono Mountains of PA where she was surrounded by the inspiring everyday magic of indigenous flora and fauna. From an early age, she would rise at dawn and head toward the woods; pulling a wagon behind her through the family lawn, glistening with dewdrops and morning sun. She would "park" her wagon in the woods, where she would sit very still in order to observe and draw birds and small animals at close range. Another early pursuit that brought her a great of delight, was to collect small found objects along with rocks, minerals and tiny twigs to create a line of natural adornments which celebrated nature. By the time she was in college, she was selling her jewelry including: earrings, necklaces and bracelets, at local salons and gift shops and innovative ski accessories at Pocono ski resorts.

     She received her BFA from Marywood University in Scranton, PA and The New School for Social Research in NY, NY, where she had the opportunity for an internship at Michael Sporn Animators, helping to create animated children's films for HBO. With a minor is design, she also worked for WNEP TV creating news graphics, at DKNY in New York City creating fashion samples for runway shows  and murals for nightclubs.   

     Although she loved the mountains and all of her creative pursuits, the sunny skies of Florida beckoned her South. There, she began teaching art full time and certified as an Art Therapy Coach. As she witnessed how art could assist individuals in making connections and healing trauma, she realized the need for healing in other forms. She began to study energy healing in the forms of Reiki and Pranic healing and became a Usui Reiki Master in 2006. She also became a registered yoga teacher in the Ashtanga style in 2012 and taught adult and children's classes.

    As an artist, National Board Certified Art Educator, Reiki Master, yoga teacher, Young Living wholesale distributor and jewelry designer, she focuses upon the energy of healing through creativity and love. She teaches art classes, yoga classes, Reiki I and II classes, offers energy healing in private sessions, facilitates therapeutic art workshops for emotional transformation and serves in the capacity of healer through her intuitive drawings.

     She currently resides in sunny Florida and is particularly inspired by nature, animals, holistic healing, ancient cultures, the mysteries of the universe and the human spirit. She also designs and creates jewelry from semi precious gemstones and works with gemstones in her healing practice. It is her goal to create art that enables others to make spiritual and intellectual connections. She enjoys assisting others in tuning to their innate wisdom and she creates and heals with the energy of peace, harmony and compassion. 


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