L Yvonne Ruiz - January 2016 - Portfolio
I have taught, designed, and created art.
In the past I taught adult students to use graphics software: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and QuarkXPress.
My last full-time work assignment was as an ad assembler. It included consulting with clients, preparing photographs for print (color and size adjustments), prepress preparation (pdfs, 4-color negs), and ad design.
Presently, I have been creating book covers on spec for SelfPubBookCovers.com, using photoshop techniques (SelfPubBookCovers.com/yvonrz), and working as a freelance designer and graphics software consultant.
I have a Computer Graphics Certificate from Platt College, a PrePress Certificate and an AA Degree from Pasadena City College, and a BFA degree...