Norma’s Variety of Spice Blog
We’ve all heard the saying “no pain, no gain” it’s true in many aspects of life; I was reminded of this in the wee hours of the night when my leg took a wrong turn that caused a horrendous cramp in my calf; my treatment was to apply deep continuous pressure, which hurt even more; 30 seconds later the the pain subsided. Then I massaged my calf with my Leg Cramp Formula to help with the lingering ache you get after the initial cramp. I went from pain to gain and a restful nights sleep. Remember! Deep pressure with your thumb and my leg cramp formula (special order). if you’re prone to leg cramps, it’s helpful to massage it on your legs before bed.


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Noric Wellness Center and Fine Art
3400 Fairway Drive
La Mesa, Ca 91941
619 508-4741

 Norma Brinker • La Mesa, CA619 508-4741
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