Norma Brinker Fine Art & Craft by NB
and Healing ENERGIES
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23 comments | Read all

would love to receive emails if you have a email mailing list available? & if you ever need a MT? would love to be part of your wellness center, thanks.
-- Elsie Romero, 7/21/15

Very wonderful colors and compositions in all your paintings..excellent work!!
-- Teresa Dominici, 5/25/14

I experienced a wonderful and thorough massage and look forward to future relaxing and healing experiences.
-- Drita Willcox, 2/16/13

I had a wonderful morning with you. Thank you again
-- Terri, 6/29/12

I live your consept of staying healthy! You seem to include it all mind, body and soal. Well done! Silvie
-- Silvie, 1/21/12

Great Art Norma ! I'm glad we talked we share the same view and we both have passion to help others. Warmest Wishes, Jana
-- Jana, 12/21/11

Hi Norma your art is beautiful.
-- Paula Elcock, 7/15/11

Amazing collection, the combination of your passion for art and your good heart you can definitely inspire people and help enhance lives through art.
-- Madz , 2/18/11

Your colors are very vibrant and emotional!! Love it!
-- Sherry Solow, 11/24/10

-- Esther Beish, 10/22/10

Jose Alfredo Trevinopower and suttle at times , you capture the ethereal with a sense of commitment seldom sought by few.
-- Jose Alfredo Trevino, 3/31/10

Verry impressive :)
-- Linda Tannen, 3/19/10

Your canvases are so full of color,they just explode with it! Great imagination in your creations as well.Glad I joined this site,like to read what you think.
-- James Lasenby, 3/3/10

I love Abstract Expressionism and make original abstract paintings using latex house paints and a shop-vac. please contact me for more info if anyone's interested. TY
-- Coolpauper, 3/2/10

I find your paintings full of expression, a person passionate and at ease with herself, I paint my self too, but I find it hard or confused about what too paint, hopefully you could share your knowledge with me. I would be entirely thankful. Esmeralda
-- Esmeralda, 2/18/10

Love it!
-- Britt Pristow, 2/13/10

I saw your link in the artist's section of the San Luis Obispo craigslist; thanks for putting it there, I really enjoy your site and have bookmarked it; seeing your paintings inspires me, thanks!
-- Jewel Maccarter, 2/10/10

thank you for supporting local artist.
-- Arlene Cheng, 2/10/10

Hey Mom, I really like your artwork. You've got some MAJOR artistic Skills. Keep up the Great Work. I LOVE YOU
-- Andre Lemieux Brinker, 2/8/10

I am an Abstract Expressionist painter and your work blew me away. One of the finest talents I have seen in a long time. Keep up the good work. Thomas Lee Grady, 2/1/10
-- Thomas Grady, 2/1/10