Chakra Meditation
Chakra Meditation

     This meditation is designed to assist in clearing and energizing one's chakras.

     Select a peaceful place where you can lay on your back. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, filling your lungs through your nose and exhaling through parted lips. Give thanks for the breath that animates your being and for the quiet moment of peace you are allowing your mind to experience.  Allow yourself to feel your body becoming heavy and connecting with the earth.

     Call your attention to your root chakra located at the base of the torso. As you inhale and visualize a bright ball of red light within the chakra, give thanks for your physical being, your family and your presence as an earthly being; privileged to explore with all your senses. As you inhale, imagine the red color becoming even brighter and more transparent. Exhale as you envision releasing any negativity or false beliefs associated with that chakra.

     Next, draw your attention to your navel chakra located at the navel and envision a bright ball of orange light filling the chakra as you inhale envision the orange color becoming brighter and more transparent. Give thanks for your creativity in whatever form it may take for you: art, music, writing, decorating, cooking or sexuality. Exhale anything negative associated with this chakra.

     Now inhale a bright yellow ball of light into the solar plexus or area between the navel and breasts. Give thanks for your gut feelings and your natural sense of defensive intuition as the yellow becomes brighter. Exhale and release anything negative associated with that chakra.

     Moving up to your heart chakra, inhale a bright green ball of light into your chest as you focus upon those dearest to you and brighten your green color. Remain with that sensation for a moment and exhale as you give thanks for the love you share. Ask for any healing that needs to be accomplished in terms of self love or love relationships to those closest to you.

     Now, inhale a bright blue ball of light into the throat chakra and give thanks for your ability to communicate and to be heard. If you wish for better communication or to feel “heard”, ask for assistance as you envision the blue becoming brighter. Give thanks and exhale anything negative that doesn’t serve your highest good.

     Now, inhale a beautiful indigo ball of light into your third eye located between your eye brows. Give thanks for your awareness of yourself and others in the world around you as you envision the blue becoming brighter. Exhale and release anything negative.

     Finally, inhale a bright violet ball of light into your crown chakra at the top center of your head. Give thanks for your connection to the Divine as the violet grows brighter and exhale any negative energies associated with this chakra.
      Last inhale a bright white ball of light into your core and allow it to expand and to extend beyond your body into a protective bubble. Relax and feel the sense of peaceful security you have knowing you are enfolded within the protection of white light expanding in all directions around your being. Take three deep breaths as you are mindful and grateful for all that is, all that ever was and all that will be. Give thanks for the healing you have received and set an intention or affirmation based upon the thoughts or feelings you observed during your meditation. Namaste.   

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