Justin's chair continued


This is the beginning of the treasure map a carry over of the theme of a pirate treasure map of memories . . . 

Background color applied with acrylic will allow the india ink to move smoothly on the surface.

Checking for correct placement of images before transferring. These were previously done on tracing paper by hand.

Close up images of the chair seat area.

For the top of the chair, I incorporated the schools that Justin attended over the years . . . old and new.  As a side note, I attended the school in the center.

Located under the seat where family members will be able to sign their names and comments . . . the real treasures!

Don't forget to note the family motto
. . . "Calm Down!"

This indicates Justin's hunting trail through his life in images. Not to forget the footprints of his dog, Lucy.

The back of the chair shows the year Justin graduated from high school.  Justin's initials are the same as his father and his great-grandfather.

Me with the final chair.  Justin and the entire family loved it! 



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