Suitable for more experienced actors and students.
Set of four intermediate, full face, workshop masks.
Available for purchase individually or in sets of four, these masks are more complex to play, as they are a mixture of the more pure archetypes. When different expressions are contained within one character it becomes multi dimensional.
For the more advanced student of Mask Theatre, half masks require the actor to find a voice to match the physicality of the mask character. Sound needs to come first, then voice, then text.
Created originally for Shamanic Ceremonial work, these masks are available for your own use. They have strong animal qualities.
The set of four Elementals can be painted differently, if required, to suit customer. You can attach your own wigs, leave as seen, or request wigs as shown. Prices quoted here are without wigs. Please add an extra €25 each mask to include wigs.
Broken Links A full gallery of the Broken Links Project performance.
Masks used are comprised of the basic set of full face archetypes, and a few more custom made.
PHOTOS BY Rodrigo Hernández, Collectivo Sustento, Chile, Santiago.
Commissions Commissions can be made to order, and are One-Off creations.
You the customer tell us what you require, and we will work in collaboration with you at the design stage. Masks can be made from Artwork or just an idea.
Masks featured here are not for sale. They are for information and inspiration only.
The Witches Commissioned by CETEC of Italy CETEC - Centro Europeo Teatro E Carcere as part of a European Edge Festival, these three 'Norn Sisters' represent the archetypal female triad. Past (Eagle Crone) Present (Mediterranean woman) and future (Young Cat woman). Together they weave the fates of man, and even the Gods.
Mask Matters. Caricature full and half face theatre masks
for sale. Workshops.
Handmade Archetypal Caricature Theatre Full
Face and Half Masks for sale. Physical & Mask theatre workshops. Mask construction and design. Performance. Private and Shamanic mask Commissions.