'No Kissing' is a play written by Belfast ex Prisoner Michael Diamond, in collaboration with Sally Elsbury of Mask Matters.
Italian Prison Theatre Company (CETEC)
CETEC - Centro Europeo Teatro E Carcere Director Donatella Massimilla first produced the play in 2010, with two masks commissioned of the Whore character Jenny, and the Clown, her abuser.
The play No Kissing was premiered in Milan in Il Piccolo Teatro do Milano, went as a bilingual performance to Paris in the Theatre du l'Opprimé, and was also performed in High Security Prison Maghaberry in Belfast in Collaboration with Prison Arts Foundation. www.prisonartsfoundation.com/
The rap video was developed to showcase the Whore's mask, using the text from the first 'Whore's soliloquy as lyrics.
Thanks to Michael Diamond (playwright) Tom Newman (music) and Sally Elsbury (masks/performer)