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Vern Scharf Paintings from Santa Cruz, California

Artist directory :: Vern Scharf Paintings from Santa Cruz, California

Art with a sense of humor and a window to another world, like what do dogs dream about? What are cats thinking? The excitement and perils of love. Studies of local lighthouse, sailboats, even flying eggs from the Planet Cholesterol. Art for small places.

Vern Scharf  Paintings from Santa Cruz, California


Vern Scharf 
Born in the artist colony of NoHo, back when it was just North Hollywood, my Mom gave me a John Gnagy Learn To Draw book and I was off and running, drawing snowy mailboxes, dogs, you name it. I flunked Spanish 1 three times because I was busy illustrating the boring textbook, which they would take away from me at the end of every semester. Then I went to Art Center College of Design where they made you draw everything (and sharpen your own pencils). After graduating, I got a job in a big ad agency coming up with, and drawing storyboards on how to sell cat food. A Walter Foster Learn To Draw Book taught me how to draw cats after I got the job (two ice cream cones on top of a baseball to start). I like working on smaller canvases because they take up less...


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Santa Cruz, CA 95062
United States


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