
A dead soldier returns to haunt the unfulfilled dreams of his parents(reworked)ancient paradeangry panPicnicDigging our grave with our teethEngineering extinctionFaust (reworked)PredatorMexico 2009Tut comes to Hogtown...againNext


I painted this picture several years before I understood what it was about. I knew it had something to do with exploitation of natural resources, but I did not realize it was about Mexico. The bird-like figure represents the business interests, both legal and not, that exploit the people and resources of Mexico. The head of the bird is shaped like a penis as representative of impending rape. The hands, as claws, represent the human grasp and greed that will despoil its target. The stance of the 'bird' is that of a predator studying its target. The image in the background is at a distance to represent the lack of awareness of the impending attack.


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