Prabha Swaminathan - Personal collections
Artist directory :: Prabha Swaminathan - Personal collectionsA personal collection of finger paintings, morning musings and write-ups.
This web page was created mainly to exhibit my personal collections of poems, blogs, paintings, and sketches that have defined my interests and passion.
I have inherited the flair for drawing and painting from my father, who himself was highly creative and a great artist. As a kid I was always fascinated by his sketches and he has encouraged and inspired me too..
After many years I rekindled the thirst to create paintings but this time on canvas to which I was introduced to by my aunt several years ago! She had a flair for creativity too.Initially I was hesitant but as I discovered the beauty of the colours spreading with ease over canvas better with fingers I could not stop!
I have fallen in love with this kind of painting and would want to create as...
 | | 25 items |
 | | A set of sketches that occurred casually and have taken over |
 | | A series of sketches of Sri Rama and His life journey that I tried to depict through these sketches. The major inspiration being the the narration and explanation by Smt. |
RaindropsMy personal collection of poemsMorning Musings
A collection of ideas that have occurred in the freshness of every morning!
Self Realization
A visualization about the act of Karma
Music versus Colors
A short write-up about the similarities between music and colors.
Six Stages to Realization
There are six stages that I thought could be the different ways to attain realization.