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Directory of United Kingdom artists

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Explore's United Kingdom artist directory, discover and buy original art by United Kingdom artists.

Midland painting GroupInformation on our group - currently not meeting because of Corona Virus
Pats van Dam Pats van Dam's paintings are inspired by the world around her.
Bert Bruins Art PaintingsA cache of high quality artwork in various media by North Devon based artist Bert Bruins. Landscapes, architectural sketches and abstracts.
Paul EckettIm a figurative painter and mainly paint in acrylic on canvas or board, the work itself ranges from satterical caricature to more realistic portraits.
Panda-Art.Art classes in Lincoln for children aged 5 years to 12 years. Classes are run after school from 5.00pm to 6.30pm. I run classes from my new purpose built garden studio and have spaces for 4 children per session. Original art for sale.
Stuart GriffinSpecialising in oil paint portraits of film / music icons. A collection available for purchase but commisions also welcome.
Robert Brown                      watercoloursOriginal watercolours (watercolors) in a representational style. Subjects: landscapes, seascapes, harbours, boats, pets and farm animals at affordable prices. Images of Ireland, West Cork, Bantry, Glengarriff. Commissions from photographs.
Lilliane Gosling Paintings This is colourful, expressive art of the imagination, driven by mythical, ceremonial, and ritual themes. Recent paintings, generally acrylic on canvas.
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