| Color Exercises - Six ColorComplementaries - Checkerboard - R & G2 halves (16 squares ea,) - Bright colors proceeding from White : Dark colors proceeding to Black
8 columns (4 squares ea.) - White Yellow Orange Red : Green Blue Purple Black
32 squares = all the permutations - Over & Under Red & Green
n.b.... Complementaries - Quadrants2 halves (16 squares ea,) - Bright colors around White : Dark colors around Black
8 quadrants (4 squares ea.) - White Yellow Orange Red : Black Purple Blue Green
32 squares = all the permutations - Dark over Light : Light over Dark
n.b. this works well as a diptych of two... Complementaries - Checkerboard - B & W2 halves (16 squares ea,) - Bright colors proceeding to White : Dark colors proceeding from Black
8 columns (4 squares ea.) - Red Orange Yellow White : Black Purple Blue Green
32 squares = all the permutations - Over & Under Black &... Be the first to post a comment.Here are some of the ideas that I have been exploring.
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