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Woodworks directory

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JAN FITCH - Art in WoodBirds - Hand carved and cast paper sculpture. Teaching of carving and cast paper sculpture
Russ Riddle DesignsCreative studio furniture designs made by hand in Washington with rare local woods, marquetry and inlay.
Lloyd Kraal oil paintingI have faced some challenges as of late and the new work is a product of those challenges . I hope you like them
Roni Art Wood SculptureCarved wood scupltures of bears, cigar store indians, walking sticks, wall hangings, wooden faces, carved signs, custom art of all types.
The Abstract Eye Abstract Art, Authentic Luxury♕,Ethnic Abstract Art, Mixed media 3-D Canvas and Wood creations, By: Ketu'rah Glore
Storage Cart/Shelves for garage, studio, warehouse workshopThese modular wooden frames on casters are designed to hold stackable HRX totes, providing a versatile, space-saving storage solution for homeowners, artists, small businesses, and anyone in need of organized and movable storage.
chastoesAppropriate technology,evanescent acupuncture tatoos,robotics,dirt on flat surfaces.
Out of the Box ClocksWayward Clock Faces - Delinquent Time Pieces
Nahed Mansour Art WebsiteNahed Mansour Art Website is an address where you can have info about me,see images of my works and explore my artistic archive
Extreme Sculpting- Chainsaw CarvingsGeorgia chainsaw artist Chris Lantz prides himself on creating one of a kind custom chainsaw carvings. He travels the United States sharing his craft, and has won many competitions!
Gombási Tamás faművesA fával, a fa megmunkálásával a nagyapám asztalosműhelyében ismerkedtem meg először. 1980-ban végeztem a szombathelyi tanárképző főiskola rajz szakán - itt részt vettem a Sulyok László tanár úr által vezetett faszobrász szakkörben. Az ekkor készített...
ANTHONY J. CUBANBorn and raised in the early thirties and forties in the inner city of Pittsburgh Pa, then leaving for the West coast in the early fifties in the US Navy, I finally settled in the San Diego Ca area , where I raised my family and devoted myself to my...
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